It’s coming up to summer. Lockdowns are a distant memory and more people than ever are looking for fun ways to get out of the house. But competition is high, and if you want people to come to your theme park, you’ve got to be able to attract enough of the right kind of attention to it. Read through our theme park promotion ideas for tips on how to draw more visitors to your park.

Make sure your Website is optimised for search engines
Following search engine optimisation (SEO) principles will ensure your site is visible on search engines. So when people search for theme parks, yours will appear front and centre in the search results. You might have the best theme park in the country, but if you’re not optimising your website correctly, it will appear at the bottom of the pile. How often do you look past the second page of results when you’re searching for something?
Make use of user-generated content
Your visitors can provide you with free content that can be repurposed for your own social media. If you post an open call for submissions for a competition, for example, you could get lots of photos of people enjoying your attractions, providing new and interesting perspectives. If you post these photos, the people who sent them are likely to then share your post with their following, creating a snowball effect.

Influencer marketing
Another good theme park promotion idea is to reach out to potential influencers to see if they would partner with you to promote your park, helping you reach a wider audience. By partnering with influencers, theme parks can tap into their followers’ networks and potentially reach new customers who may not have known about the theme park before.
Why is influencer marketing so effective? Influencers are seen as trustworthy sources of information. When they promote a theme park, it can be perceived as a genuine recommendation rather than a traditional advertisement.
Get good FPV drone video footage of the rides
Getting great footage of your attractions is one of the most important theme park promotion ideas we can give you. The right kind of footage will create a buzz and attract potential visitors to your park. If you make them feel like they’re experiencing the thrill of the rides before they even visit, you’ll whet their appetite so they’ll want to visit to experience the real thing.

To achieve this you can use stunning Aerial footage with drones following your rollercoasters as they race through the sky. AerialJohnny specialises in FPV (first person view) drone filming which allows pilots to follow the action closely via remote control. FPV drone footage is becoming an extremely important tool in the promotion of attractions and sporting events thanks to their relatively low cost compared to traditional filming methods and their ability to capture jaw-dropping footage.
Identifying the right tools to promote your waterpark is a vital part of attracting the visitors you need to see your business grow. Take our tips and you should be able to get ahead of your competition. If you need some help with getting some impressive FPV drone video footage, contact our drone pilots.